In today’s edition of Burke’s Bits: Win or Lose … It’s Up To Me Copy Tip Social Selling Tip From the Research Files Pun of
Category: Mindset

“Can anyone tell me if they got over how to sell yourself without having a major panic attack and throwing up?” A question asked often

Your character can influence your reputation but – always remember – reputation is what others think of you. And you have no control over what they think.

What If – you stopped calling it Failure and simply looked at what you’re about to do as an Experiment?

In today’s edition of Burke’s Bits: The Reset Button Copy Tip PLR cuts your writing time in half Random Thought of the Day Pun of

In today’s edition of Burke’s Bits: Mindset tip that will help you get into Action Copy tip Random Thought for the Day Pun of the

Keep your focus on yourself. On your own moral dilemmas. There is plenty there to keep you busy. People are messy. Life is complicated.

Do your job precisely as if you were your own boss, and sooner or later you will be. The American system of free enterprise is

Decisions We do not worry over conditions once we have reached a decision to follow a definite line of action. ~ Napoleon Hill ——————————– First

Actions, not words, are the greatest means of self-praise. There are times when you will be asked to put yourself forward, to compete for a