It’s Your Dream You had it a while ago. Maybe that was a few months ago. Or even a few years ago! And, yet, you’re
Category: Independence

Do I Want to Be a Business Owner or a Blogger? Well, both…really. I was talking with a young woman, in her 30’s, about her

I’ve always been an independent thinker. And, really, when I think about it, I’ve always been an independent doer.

Create your life and work around your passion. Make money with your passion. What do you love to do? Now go make money doing it. Build a business based on your passion. What are you to do if you don’t know what your passion is?

Change is scary. It seems to get scarier the older we get. Since 2008, I’ve met many women over 50 who lost their corporate jobs and are floundering with what to do next. Then there are those who are scared they’re going to lose their jobs. Both scenarios are happening every day to women and my concern is that they’re paralyzed by fear and uncertainty. And that means they’re not doing anything except sitting in their fear.

It’s scary. It’s exciting. It’s challenging. It’s certainly a growing experience, both spiritually and mentally. And, in my case, physically because my physical activity has

I don’t know about you, but for me…being an introvert can sometimes suck the joy out of learning, living and being.
Have you ever listened to the counsel of a good friend tell you the reasons your idea won’t work, then moved forward with your idea anyway? Ever come up on a crowd of people and simply turn around and walk the other way? Ever been accused of being too independent?
Whether dream chasing is your life focus, or something you do a few hours a month, it has enormous value. I have found that the act of pursuing dreams has brought me a sense of vitality and aliveness to my life.
Knowledge is NOT Understanding
The premise of this site is that Knowledge is Power – that means when you Know something you can now Do something. It doesn’t mean that just because you Know…you understand. That’s Wisdom. And it comes from the doing. The ultimate goal is Action. Because that is when your knowledge+wisdom=profitability.