It’s Your Dream You had it a while ago. Maybe that was a few months ago. Or even a few years ago! And, yet, you’re
Year: 2015

It’s no secret that setting the right goals is essential to creating a successful business and life Goals help you stay on track with your purpose,

Surround Yourself With Those Who Care About Your Success And you’ll be amazed at how quickly you reach your goals. When you’re down – they’re

If there’s one thing I’ve learned about owning a business, it’s this: The Vision Is Not Enough Just because I can ‘see’ the end result

Do I Want to Be a Business Owner or a Blogger? Well, both…really. I was talking with a young woman, in her 30’s, about her

I’ve always been an independent thinker. And, really, when I think about it, I’ve always been an independent doer.

What Happens If I Don’t Give Up? Have you ever been to the point of wanting to give up? When you’ve gone through a series

I believe that all humans are connected and that it’s in the connection our needs and desires are heard and answered.

Stop Making Excuses and Get On With It!

Those Who Succeed Never Stop Learning My logo represents my passion for learning, knowing, growing and profiting from all of that information. Every single person