Lost your job? What do to now to make money
Category: Work from Home
Mindset is a very important part of this process of building a business and of changing habits.
Henry Ford once said “If you think you can, if you think you can’t, you’re right”
There are so many distractions that threaten to pull you in multiple directions that it can feel like you don’t have a chance in the world to get everything done. It’s more important than ever to know your distractions and then work to eliminate distractions.
Successful Social Selling: When you combine attraction marketing with social media platforms you have the foundation for success. Learn more about the workshop https://bit.ly/mindfulsocialsellingworkshop
It’s Your Dream You had it a while ago. Maybe that was a few months ago. Or even a few years ago! And, yet, you’re
If there’s one thing I’ve learned about owning a business, it’s this: The Vision Is Not Enough Just because I can ‘see’ the end result
Create your life and work around your passion. Make money with your passion. What do you love to do? Now go make money doing it. Build a business based on your passion. What are you to do if you don’t know what your passion is?
Change is scary. It seems to get scarier the older we get. Since 2008, I’ve met many women over 50 who lost their corporate jobs and are floundering with what to do next. Then there are those who are scared they’re going to lose their jobs. Both scenarios are happening every day to women and my concern is that they’re paralyzed by fear and uncertainty. And that means they’re not doing anything except sitting in their fear.
Whether dream chasing is your life focus, or something you do a few hours a month, it has enormous value. I have found that the act of pursuing dreams has brought me a sense of vitality and aliveness to my life.
How Old Is Too Old To Start A Business?
Too Old To Start A Business? Why would you think you’re too old? The internet is the perfect place for those of us older than