Ask any successful business owner how they manage to get so much done and it’s highly likely they’ll mention 3 things: outsourcing 80-hour work weeks
Category: Success

Virtual coworking and accountability partners have been proven to increase productivity and achieve goals. Combine the two and you have the magic formula for getting things done.

There are a myriad of reasons why people start and maintain a blog and they include: generate revenue (make money) promote a cause offer useful

Tips to Stay Focused and Productive Without Getting Burned Out Remove distractions: Stay away from social media. Turn off your mobile phone while working. Mute

The biggest lesson I’ve learned in 2017 I learned from shooting pool. I was reviewing the difference in my approach to the game from 2012

When preparation meets opportunity – you win. As a competition pool player (amateur, not pro), there are a few things I do to mentally prepare for the games ahead. What I will be doing this morning and throughout the weekend as I head into a pool tournament.
A burning desire is what fuels the drive for you to reach your vision, your goal. It’s what drives you on when you hit an obstacle. It’s that bit of strength you have inside you can tap into when you feel as if you’ve hit a wall and…must…keep…going.

More power to the one who can stay in a group of negative thinkers and maintain their positive thoughts. My experience has been that the majority rules – if I’m surrounded by mostly positive thinkers and doers, I’ll be more positive. And, that’s my preference.

I have my list of things to do, today, in front of me. Each task is specific and is a goal in itself or is a stepping stone to reaching a bigger goal.

Find out what’s working in your business so you can do more of it. What’s bringing in profits? What do you love doing? What makes