Napolean Hill interviewed and observed thousands of people over a 25 year span. From these interviews and observations, he wrote Law of Success to be taught as a business course in college. Then he quickly wrote an edited version and titled it Think and Grow Rich.

The principles of success are proven to work. It doesn't matter if your goal is to become a basketball player for the NBA or a recycling tycoon, the path is the same.

The first principle, upon which all others are applied to, is simple.

Have a Chief Aim, a Well-Defined Purpose

“There is no hope of success for the person who does not have a central purpose, or definite goal, at which to aim,” Hill writes.

If you're looking to make money from your blog, to build a business that allows you to live the life you want, then you must first clearly define what the end looks like.

You must also prepare yourself for it to happen. How? By making a daily practice of reading aloud your Chief Aim. Cement it in your mind as the goal you want to achieve, the end result of the work you're about to do. It will keep you focused and help you keep moving forward when the day seems long and your efforts seem fruitless.

Do this and you'll be ready for the other principles to work for you.

What does it look like?

Here is what a best-selling, fiction author wrote before she became a best selling author:

Octavia E. Butler Major Definite Purpose


You can learn more about Octavia Butler, fiction writer, here:  Octavia Butler website

Now it's your turn to get started.


Definite Chief Aim Worksheet, Tips for a Success Mindset, and more:  simply register and get your free downloads:  Grow Because You Know the Principles of Success

Law of Success, the entire book – a public domain book available in multiple download options here:  Law of Success

Think and Grow Rich – NOT a public domain book, recommended that you read the edition published by The Napolean Hill Foundation. You can find it here:  Think and Grow Rich


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