First let me confess to you that I am a professional couch potato. Have been most of my life. The things I enjoy doing aren’t
Category: Personal Growth
Accept the Challenge and Succeed
It’s taken me many years to reach this conclusion: Life is not easy. Note that I did NOT say Life is not Fair. Fairs are
Plant your roots solidly with a quality team. Add knowledge to show those roots where to grow toward. Now choose to maximize your possibilities: don’t
For years I based all actions on my fear of failure – which means I had decided, early on, that failing was scary and had
Darren Hardy, publisher of Success Magazine, has a daily email message that I’ve found to be inspiring and motivating. See for yourself on his site
To grow I need to know what needs to be changed. There was a time when I was overwhelmed with a LOT of things I
Photo Credit: John Carleton At one time, to me, success looked like: A lot of money in the bank $500 business suits in the closet
Stop thinking and start doing!
Being hyper-focused on building financial security means you’re not spending enough time with people in your life, including yourself. If you’re focused on attaining what

I am so grateful for artists and sculptors. These elephants are carved from sand. Had I come across this beach I would have seen: