To grow I need to know what needs to be changed.

There was a time when I was overwhelmed with a LOT of things I wanted to change about myself, personally, because I wanted to be a better person.

Some of these things included:

  • be better at communicating with my husband – I'm a terrible talker, though a great listener
  • be better at telling people bad news – that awkward moment when I see a client's new logo and it is really ugly and doesn't tell the world what they will get when they work with the client.
  • be better at face-to-face networking – if I'm tired it's very difficult for me to have conversations with people (big sign that I'm an introvert doesn't help because they don't care).

What I didn't know was how to begin.

So I asked someone.

I sought the advice of an older woman (think grandmother type) over a cup of coffee in her kitchen.

She shared with me her struggles with personal growth and then told me this:

Pick one thing you want to change. Just one.

Now, write it down. Whether it's in a journal or on note paper.

Then, write down what you're exchanging it for – can't change something without it looking different!

So, write down what the ‘different' looks like.

Say a prayer, asking for help to make this change.

Say the prayer every morning.

Pay attention throughout the day so when you find yourself thinking or acting the way you DON'T want to – take a breath and remember how you DO want to think or act. Yes – stop what you're doing and think for a moment about what you're doing…then do it differently.

I did this – and have done it many, many times because it works.

Sometimes I notice a difference quickly, sometimes slowly. But if I stick with it, I always experience the change.

Now you Know – are you going to do something about it? Are you going to try this yourself? If so, I recommend that you stick with it until you ‘feel' or ‘see' the change in yourself before you move on to the next piece of you that you want to change.

Would love to know what you think about this, so please leave a comment and feel free to share with your network if you think they can learn from this.

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