Change your mindset – This idea will bring you a wealth of happiness. Your personality will expand. You will receive affection and love, both of a quality and quantity you have never before dreamed possible.
Category: Personal Growth
Success Mindset This ebook shows you how to change your thinking from the negative to the positive – in a way that helps you reach

The following is, by far, my favorite list of traits for successful people. It translates well into every day life and has helped me to refine my thinking about being a business owner.

I’ve always been an independent thinker. And, really, when I think about it, I’ve always been an independent doer.

What Happens If I Don’t Give Up? Have you ever been to the point of wanting to give up? When you’ve gone through a series

I believe that all humans are connected and that it’s in the connection our needs and desires are heard and answered.

Those Who Succeed Never Stop Learning My logo represents my passion for learning, knowing, growing and profiting from all of that information. Every single person

Are You a Coach or Consultant? During my short time (a few months) on live streaming programs (Blab and Periscope), I’ve been asked this question

If you have a clear vision of where you want to go, it’s amazing how motivated you feel to get there.

Change is scary. It seems to get scarier the older we get. Since 2008, I’ve met many women over 50 who lost their corporate jobs and are floundering with what to do next. Then there are those who are scared they’re going to lose their jobs. Both scenarios are happening every day to women and my concern is that they’re paralyzed by fear and uncertainty. And that means they’re not doing anything except sitting in their fear.