The following is, by far, my favorite list of traits for successful people. It translates well into every day life and has helped me to refine my thinking about being a business owner.
Category: Book Recommendations

Napolean Hill interviewed and observed thousands of people over a 25 year span. From these interviews and observations, he wrote Law of Success to be
Reading is Fundamental It’s fundamental to my personal and professional growth. I love to read. I was reading before 1st grade and would read anything

Whether you are an individual or own a business, it is important to establish a social media presence online. This book is designed to provide you with the steps that you need to take to establish yourself on the different social media outlets that are popular today.
Don’t Be A Quiet One In the US, we’re told that personality and charm will win over brain power and ability. We’re confronted with this
A Morning Routine for Success I have a morning routine that is proving to be very good for me personally and professionally. It has helped
Leaders Are Readers I have read so many books in my lifetime – I should be the leader of the free world. Seriously. I’ve been