Top marketers will help you with your content marketing!
They'll send high quality REAL trackable traffic to you.
That’s how your content can be shared with less hassle. Really.
Listen, content marketing is tough – not only do you have to write great content, you have to get it in front of people who will read it!
Internet marketers, online business owners, affiliate marketers, and those who simply want others to see their websites…all struggled with content marketing and getting traffic to their sites. Most learned, through trial and error, that buying traffic, cheap, through ad buys promising thousands of clicks, really don’t work. What does? Social traffic. When someone sees content in their social news feed, shared by a connection, they give it more credence than a sponsored ad or a cold email.
Now there’s a really neat tool called Traffic Ivy that helps new and experienced marketers to take advantage of social traffic. How? By purchasing traffic points and then offering points to those who share your content on their social media networks.
It works the same for articles to be published on blogs, videos to be published on YouTube.

I signed up a week ago and have had a blog post published on a couple of really good sites – it appears exactly as I wrote it, with links and all. Those links can be affiliate links, website links, landing page links, social media links, etc.
So, I paid each publisher a number of points – those points are now banked in their account to be used to pay other publishers.
This reminds me of the old blogging rings from back in the early ’00s, aka WebRings. Bloggers created a community of like-minded people who were willing to share each others’ content on their blogs, with links and all. Yes, content marketing has been around since, well, the beginning of the use of the internet to find information.
From the sales page:
- Drive Laser-Targeted Traffic From Our Massive Fast-Growing Network Of Blogs Spread Across 22 Categories
- Upload Your Videos Onto Hundreds Of Active YouTube Accounts For REAL Hot Traffic
- Share Your Content On Thousands Of Real Social Media Accounts On Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn And Reddit.
- Have Your Content Go Viral With Multiple People Sharing It On Multiple Social Media Accounts Within Our Huge Network
- Community Driven Rating System To Guarantee You Only The Best High-Quality Traffic
And, I’m seeing that is true!
Now, you’re asking (as I did), what if my content is shared on a crappy site?
The creators of Traffic Ivy have set up a strategy to allow the cream to rise to the top – ratings and reviews of each publisher. Members will be able to see who has 5-star ratings and excellent comments and who doesn’t. Oh, and there is a feature for banning other members from publishing your content. That, for me, is a really good safeguard … burn me once and I ban you.
There are many different features in place, now, and more to come!
Because Traffic Ivy is new, I must warn you that there may be bugs with regard to reporting or calling out/banning members. The team is very responsive and already has corrected a few things, fully anticipating that others will arise. There is a Facebook group for members and that has proven to be very helpful – not just for complaining, but for members to point out how they’re using the features, how they think something should work, what should be added as a feature.
Okay, so I joined a week ago at the PRO level. I’ve seen good results to this point. I am planning a strategy specific to Traffic Ivy for one of my niche websites. I don’t doubt that I will get better traffic at an overall lower cost and definitely with less hassle…because Traffic Ivy has automated quite a bit of its features.
There is an Agency level – offering you the opportunity to launch your own traffic business by using this tool or creating subaccounts for other businesses to handle their traffic for them. They pay you, you run the traffic campaigns. Or you can simply sell it to others. Yep, pretty darned cool if you ask me! Not sure I’ll go this level myself. If you recall, I once owned an Online Marketing Agency and in 2015 decided to stop because I wasn’t enjoying it and prefer to do research, writing, and group management. Content marketing was time-consuming then, as it is now!
I really like the leverage Traffic Ivy is creating both for beginner and experienced marketers who want to take increase their social traffic with less hassle and less cost. And who want to improve their content marketing efforts.
Because Traffic Ivy is new – it just launched last week – they’re offering a special one-time membership fee. It’s highly likely that this will become a monthly membership, which is why I got in now and recommend that you do, too. Check it out for yourself. I think you’ll agree that it’s an excellent tool to drive traffic to your website or offer. >>>Traffic Ivy Intro Video<<<