What Happens If I Don’t Give Up? Have you ever been to the point of wanting to give up? When you’ve gone through a series
Category: Inspiration

I believe that all humans are connected and that it’s in the connection our needs and desires are heard and answered.

Change is scary. It seems to get scarier the older we get. Since 2008, I’ve met many women over 50 who lost their corporate jobs and are floundering with what to do next. Then there are those who are scared they’re going to lose their jobs. Both scenarios are happening every day to women and my concern is that they’re paralyzed by fear and uncertainty. And that means they’re not doing anything except sitting in their fear.
Developing a Successful Mindset It’s not easy if you’re currently in Survival Mode. There have been many times when my husband and I have had
I’ve been Periscoping! (more on that later) For now, I just did a live stream answering the question What Do You Need to Grow? For

I don’t know about you, but for me…being an introvert can sometimes suck the joy out of learning, living and being.
How often have you started something and gotten sidetracked with something that looked more interesting? Do you ever lay out the steps you need to take to reach your goal, then someone you trust suggests a different step, and you find yourself struggling?
Have you recently started to work your plan then got an idea and made changes, only to realize that you’re not getting any closer to reaching your goal?
Whether dream chasing is your life focus, or something you do a few hours a month, it has enormous value. I have found that the act of pursuing dreams has brought me a sense of vitality and aliveness to my life.
Count Your Blessings It’s Saturday morning. The beginning of the weekend. For some, the first of two days of Freedom from a 9-5 job. For
I’ve learned that my self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviors are perpetuated by an inner critic we all have inside of us. It’s just that I let the ‘inner critic’ have the control.