Being Sick and Tired

That sickening feeling deep in the pit of the stomach that says “I'm in the wrong place” or “I'm with the wrong people” or “I'm doing the wrong things”.

I ignored that feeling. I got used to it. It was too scary to follow that feeling. Because it meant I would have to leave:

  • the security of a weekly paycheck
  • the security of having sick days
  • the security of having vacation days

Then I got tired, too.

And that's when I said “Enough!” and I was able to do something different.

No More Sick and Tired For Me

Today I have the security of:

  • a husband that believes in me
  • knowing my capabilities and putting them to use to grow a business
  • knowing that if there isn't enough money this week there will be more than enough next week
  • having a skill set that is sought after by individuals who want to improve their own lives
  • faith in myself, my team, my creator

And with all of that – I don't have to be sick and tired anymore.

And neither do you.

Join me and my team and we'll do great things together. >>>Grow Now<<<





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