Patience Is About Getting Things Done

It's not the waiting for something to happen.

It's not the ‘calm before the storm'.

For me, it's about how I am acting before the final outcome is revealed or occurs.


Impatience is: tapping my foot while in line at the store.

Patience is: standing still, knowing that I will end up at the cashier when my turn comes.


Impatience is: wanting $5,000/month income, right now, without doing the work or trying to get by with as little as possible.

Patience is: doing the work, all the while knowing that it will pay off to $5,000/month … and then more because the work was done with care.

When I get impatient it means I'm not trusting the process. And there is a process to daily life on a personal level and to running a business.

It all begins with me. Am I willing to do the work and be patient – because I know the payoff will happen?

I answer a resounding “YES”.

In the beginning I had successful people show me how they did it, and I trusted that their process worked because the evidence of their success was in front of me.

I put the processes in place and have experienced success myself.

Which is why I continue to work the process – I'm not happy just sitting back. I want to grow, personally and professionally. And the only way to do that is through being active in my own success as well as helping others toward their success.

If you'd like to be a part of my team and have successful internet marketers show you how they do it, then check this out  >>>>>Learn and Earn<<<<<

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