Being committed truly does mean that there is no in between. You’re either in, or you’re out. For today. Then you wake up in
Category: Personal Growth
Suffering From the Why Him/Why Her Syndrome You hear or read a success story and immediately think “Why are they so lucky? Why do they
Well, we’ve all been there. Scrambling to find money to pay the rent, or an electric bill, or the dentist bill. Somehow, the paycheck
I’m neither a theological scholar or expert in biblical teachings. I’m just a human being struggling daily with the weaknesses of character and spirit.
Without struggle there is no progress If life is a journey to find myself, then how do I cope with being lost until then? *sigh*
I read this and said “huh?” I know…lame, right? Well, at there is a description of amazing that resonated with me. He says … “Amazing is
I had the pleasure of spending an entire day at the Kentucky Fair & Expo Center in Louisville, KY as a judge in the DECA

If life is a journey to find myself, then how do I cope with being lost until I find myself? Yes, I asked such a