Self-Doubt Will Always Lead to Moving Backward

How many people do you know who are brilliant…but depressed?

How many people do you know who are talented…but not using their talent?

How many people do you know who are skilled…but aren't living their dream?

In physics there is no such thing as standing still.

you're either moving forward or backwardWe, and the world around us, are in constant motion.

Self-doubt insures that our motion is backward.

Confidence insures that our motion is forward.

Those people you pictured in your mind and think of as brilliant…

why do you think they're depressed?

Those people you pictured in your mind and think of as talented…

why do you think they're not using that talent?

Those people you pictured in your mind as skilled…

why do you think they're not living their dream?


It's stopped them from moving forward. Their confidence was shattered or destroyed. Their ability to cope was hindered by something.

Maybe it was something their mother or father told them when they were young.

Maybe it was something a respected teacher said about their work.

Maybe things were put on hold because of a crisis or tragedy – and now they simply lack the confidence to move on their dream.


Isn't easy to get but is worth the effort to get it!

The end result is believing that:

  • You are enough
  • You have enough
  • You know enough
  • You can learn enough

to succeed.

It's just a matter of taking action. Now. Today. While you're thinking about your own dream…take a step toward making it happen.


Random thoughts shared on a sunny day when I'm feeling confident and trying to understand what stopped me from taking the steps toward my own dreams…sooner.

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