a guide to avoid burnout

A Guide to Avoiding Burnout

Burnout is a surprisingly prevalent issue. According to one Deloitte survey, some 77% of people report experiencing employee burnout. What's more, burnout incidents are on the rise since the COVID-19 pandemic began. It's important to educate yourself about the dangers of burnout and how to best handle it. Get the facts you need below.


Recognize the signs of burnout


The first step in heading off burnout is recognizing the early signs. Common indicators of an impending burnout include low morale, a lack of performance, and feelings of apathy or cynicism at work. Burnout can also impact a person outside of work. For example, individuals may experience more strife in their personal relationships, have trouble concentrating on everyday tasks, and experience difficulty falling asleep at night.


It's important to keep an eye out for such symptoms. One way to help identify personal changes more easily is journaling. By regularly writing down your thoughts and feelings, you'll give yourself the space and time to identify them. This can be especially helpful if you're hyperfocused on work, which often leaves little time for personal reflection.


Take self-care steps to prevent burnout


When you recognize early signs of burnout, take action immediately. Don't wait for the feelings to go away. Odds are they will only worsen if not addressed. Plus, according to the Mayo Clinic, long-term burnout can increase your risk of serious health issues like heart disease, high blood pressure, and Type 2 diabetes, among other problems.


When handling job burnout, start by assessing your options. Is it time to take a break, either by booking an extended vacation or switching career paths? Next, look at your daily habits. What self-care steps can you take that will help? Options include getting more exercise, sleeping more, trying mindfulness, and making changes to your living space that promote relaxation. In addition to prioritizing self-care, consider creating a plan to deal with stressful situations as they arise.


Know how to handle burnout if it occurs


Even with preventative measures, burnout can't always be avoided. If you experience burnout, you will have to address various consequences. According to research published in PLOS ONE, job burnout can have physical, psychological, and occupational repercussions. Start by addressing physical issues. This is a good time to see your doctor for a checkup. They can assess burnout indicators like blood pressure and develop a care plan to help.


It's also important to address psychological consequences. You may want to consult a mental health professional for tips on coping with stress and burnout symptoms. When it comes to occupational consequences, take steps to avoid recurrence. Revisit your work processes and see where you can save time and stress using technology.


Get the support you need to tackle burnout


When dealing with burnout, don't go it alone. Start by talking to friends and family, getting the emotional support needed to make some changes in life. Further, make sure to inform your employer. They can work with you to take positive steps, like providing you with time off to recuperate. Your employer can also help make long-term changes to prevent burnout recurrence, such as hiring extra staff or reconfiguring your hours.


Finally, don't hesitate to seek additional support from professionals. Talking to a mental health professional is one option. You can also join support groups specifically for individuals who have experienced burnout. Knowing you're not alone and talking to empathetic individuals can be very reassuring during this time.


Even if you love your career, the demands on you can put you at risk of job burnout. Refer to the guide above so you can easily recognize the signs and address them promptly.

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