How to Keep Your Subscribers Active on Your List

If you're sitting on a mailing list of 1,000+ right now, then chances are you're feeling pretty smug. A lot of digital marketers would give their left arm to be in your position and the potential for earning from this is huge. It's taken work and dedication but you did it – and you deserve to give yourself a pat on the back.

But just having a mailing list is not enough. This is only a small part of the puzzle. What's actually more important is to keep your subscribers engaged. That means making sure they keep reading, it means making sure that they are keen to find out more about what you're selling and it means having them primed to convert and buy your products when the time comes. Let's look at how you can do that.

Post Regularly

If you have a mailing list and you message your members once every month, then you can't expect them to be all that interested in what you have to say. There is a momentum here, so you need to keep up that relationship and ensure that you stay in the forefront of their minds. Avoid a situation where they see your name in their inbox and think: ‘who?'.

But Not Too Regularly

On the other hand though, don't message four times a week to the point where they're sick of hearing from you. Leave them wanting more, not feeling desensitized to your message and anything you possibly could have to say.

Provide Value

This is the most important point of all. Make sure that your e-mails provide value in some form or other by being entertaining, informative/educational or useful. Try to give some kind of tip in every single message that will have a positive impact on their lives and this way they will end up looking forward to what's coming next.


Being a tease is a good thing in the world of digital marketing. Tell your readers what is coming up next and try to build some anticipation at the end of each message. Think of this like a serial novel being published in a magazine – end every chapter on a cliff-hanger!

Ask Questions

Another useful strategy is to ask questions or even to ask your members for favors. This is a very personal way to communicate with an audience, so take advantage of that by actually interacting with them. If they feel they're contributing, then they'll be more likely to want to help.

My Confession

I would love to tell you that I do all of the above, all of the time. But, I don't. Alas, I will let many days go by before emailing my list. And there are other times when I've sent the list three (3) emails that day. I haven't lost many subscribers, though, so I'm pleased about that. I think it's because my subscribers know I'm trying to give them value instead of constantly promoting something. Or to entertain without selling them something. The majority of people on my list want to make money online. Some are interested in purchasing what I sell, others aren't. The purpose of my emails to them aren't to always sell though. It's about telling them more about me and how I work and what I offer, while giving them a tip or sharing with them a tool I use. Ultimately, I would like everyone to buy what I sell. But, that's not going to happen. So, I'm happy with developing the relationship because sometimes the non-buyer will refer someone to me and that's just as good. Oh, and I've gotten to know a few of my subscribers, too. They've responded to my emails and asked questions and we've connected on social media.


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