Get More Followers On Social Media
One of the objectives every business has is to grow the number of followers on social media accounts. The more followers you have the more reach and authority you have. Keep in mind that numbers aren't everything. The best situation is to have a large number of followers that like what you're doing and want to share what you post on your social media accounts.
But how do you go about growing your followers when you're first starting? When you've just today published your first Facebook Business Page?
Follow People
This is one of the simplest and easiest ways to get more followers. Go to your platform of choice (Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest are good for this one) and then begin following as many people as you find that match your target market. Follow some that don't match, but provide interesting information. What you'll find is that a large proportion of those people you add will respond in kind and immediately Follow you back. It can be slow going but it's an almost guaranteed way to extend your reach and influence.
Retweet, Repin or Share someone's status update is one of the very best ways to grow your following. Why? Because, once again, the people you help out will often want to do the same for you and that way you can expose yourself to their audience too.
Team Up
If you find the above strategies don't work for you, then you can try the good old-fashioned bribe. Also known as teaming up. Contact a few of your followers (or those you would like to have as followers) and offer to give shout outs or promote a link of theirs…in exchange for them doing the same for you. It's a win-win situation and can work if you approach it with professionalism and respect. Never ask for something without giving in return. Preferably, give first before asking.
Use Smart Hashtags
No, smart hashtags aren't like smartphones. But being smart about using the right hashtags makes easy for people to find your content (posts, photos, tweets, videos) when they're looking for related topics. Check what's trending, then post something about the trend. Check what's in the news and post about that. Maybe there's an event you want to be associated with, a celebrity you can attach yourself to, an association that you support, a holiday you can support. There's a hashtag for every person, place, thing, feeling, animal, situation. Do your own search and find the hashtags yourself. Some are ongoing conversations, others are instance related. Something will work for you.
Encourage Sharing
Some posts are simply more sharable than others. Amusing videos are always a good way to get a share or retweet, as is writing a positive review.
Cross Pollinate
If you have a great audience already, then make sure you leverage them. Ask your blog readers, your YouTube audience, your mailing list, even customers who you see in person to follow you. If you have a strong Facebook presence and are trying to build an Instagram following, let your Facebook followers know where to find you on Instagram and tell them why they should follow you there. The same holds true for LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter and other social media platforms.
Build Followers
This sounds like a catch22, but the more followers you have the more followers you will continue to gain. The reason for this is simple: people like to join accounts that look popular. For this reason followers beget followers and once you build up enough, it can become self-perpetuating…as long as you're publishing good content and sharable posts.