4 Tips For Having A More Productive Day

4 Tips For Having A More Productive Day

Everyone wants to be productive.

Well, actually, it’s more like this:

Everyone wants to see results at the end of the day…and then they find themselves struggling to get those results.

So, why do they fall short?

Why don’t they get the results they want?

They don’t know how to implement the right things at the right time.

I will tell you – and successful people will tell you – that it’s important to manage your day if you want to be successful … if you want to get done what needs to get done … if you want the results you set out to achieve that morning.

Below are 4 simple tips to get you started.

Keep in mind that when you do these you should be tracking your progress AND you need to be consistent and persistent in your pursuit of improving your overall productivity. If you find yourself waning and wanting a bit of extra OOMPH, don’t hesitate to work with me for a month to get back on track >>>Work With Charlene<<<

Plan Your Day

If you have ever talked with the CEO of a big company, you will see that their day is meticulously planned. From the time they wake up in the morning to the time they go to bed, everything follows a fixed schedule. Whether they make their own schedule or have an assistant, every evening they check their calendar and planner so they know what will need to be done to make the next day successful.

You can do this, too. In the evening, make a plan for tomorrow. Use a bullet journal, calendar, planner, apps or a legal pad. Plan for success by planning your day.

Know Traffic Times

Just how much time do you spend stuck in traffic?

You’re not alone.

According to the Texas A&M Transportation Institute’s Urban Mobility Scorecard, the average American commute to and from an urban center will spend 42 hours sitting in traffic every year.

42 hours! That’s a lot of time, isn’t it?

If you are one of these people, it doesn’t have to be wasted time.

Of course, if possible, plan around your daily traffic woes by leaving earlier and avoiding the issue. But, that may be something you’ve already done and still find yourself stuck in traffic. (because really, who wants to arrive at the office 3 hours early?)

Stuck in traffic gives you the opportunity to do a few things that will help your day to be a more productive one:

  • Use a smartphone app to record your voice – talk through your presentation, your day, what needs to be done, what you will focus on when you get to work.
  • Mentally review your morning meditation and what the focus for the day was.

Take A Break

It may sound counterproductive to say “Take A Break”, and yet it’s something that can help you more than you would expect. Whether it’s a lunch break, a 10-minute break in the middle of a project, take an intentional break. Stand up, open a window or go outside and breathe in some fresh air. It will do wonders for your mental capacity, make you feel refreshed, and enable you to focus on your work better and be a lot more productive.

Remember Your End Goal

It’s your End Goal for the day, the week, the quarter, the year that is your “reason for being here and doing this work right now”. Remembering it, having it written down and in front of you, seeing it on your whiteboard or wall can be one of the most important motivators, encouraging you to be in your most productive state.

What to remember:

every day you are doing something to move one step closer towards that end goal makes for an excellent day.

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