People hire me to make sure their students, clients, members, team
apply what they've learned.
Coaches with continuity programs.
Online course creators who want their students to get guided discussion and attention.
Trainers who offer a weekend of intense training and want to then turn the student/attendee over to someone for follow-up accountability.
Speakers who train/speak from the stage and want to implement a continuity program, but would prefer it be handled by someone else.
Conference planners who want to add value for their clients by offering an option of having a mastermind group devoted just to their conference attendees.
I am a skilled facilitator and I have:
- hosted mastermind groups for business owners since 2008
- trained professionals in small groups and large groups via webinar
- hosted accountability groups for myself and other trainers
- designed and hosted study groups
I understand that you don't want to offer 1:1 accountability programs and that group accountability isn't your sweet spot. Your sweet spot is teaching and training and sharing your knowledge. Well, my sweet spot is helping others to stay on track with their goals, helping them to ask better questions for better learning, and making sure someone understands what they're doing and why they're doing it – making me your perfect continuity program partner.
Pricing is based on the price of your program. You introduce me to your students/attendees as your partner. You give me access to what they are being taught. You charge them for my services and pay me. Your branding is consistent and you can sit in or watch the recordings of the continuity program. You and I will work together so the student/attendee experience is a consistent one but is also memorable.
Memorable? Yes!
Because you will be showing them that you care about their success.
Interested? Let's talk – 30-minute call to determine if we can work together
What Is Facilitation
According to Dale Hunter, et al in her book, The Art of Facilitation.
“Facilitation is about process, movement and destination”
Fran Rees in The Facilitator Excellence Handbook, describes facilitation as
“any meeting of a group of people at which a facilitator structures and manages group process to help the group meet its goal.” She adds, “it is a form of leading and communicating with the intent of achieving maximum creativity, involvement, and commitment to the task at hand.”
Michael Wilkinson from his book The Secrets of Facilitation says it is a
“highly structured meeting in which the meeting leader guides the group through a series of pre-defined steps to arrive at a result that is created, understood, and accepted by all participants.”
Ingrid Bens author of Facilitating with Ease! says it is
“a way to provide leadership without taking the reins“ or a way to “guide a group through discussion to reach their own conclusions and goals.”
My Role As The Facilitator
Here is what you can expect from me:
- Work with you to assess your group's needs and create a plan to address those needs.
- Determine outcomes
- Keep a group discussion on track
- Help the group to communicate effectively
- Be a “motivator, guide, questioner, bridge builder, clairvoyant, peacemaker, task master and praiser” (source: Wilkinson)
- Clarify goals
- Create benchmarks and milestones
- Decide on next steps
and a bit more.
The Benefits of Using a Professional Facilitator
The skills I bring capitalize on the differences and diversity of your group members, enhancing their learning experience.
This often results in members being motivated to make better decisions, achieve better results than if they were left to their individual efforts, maximum participation of members, encourages people to finish what they started, and reduces attitudes such as “just tell me what to do”.
My Style
I don't take things personally. Whatever the challenges of the member, I am there to support and guide so that they can meet that challenge and move forward.
I am neutral. I do care about the topic and about the members, but I don't take sides, favor one member over another, reject ideas that are very different than my own. If what is being discussed is not pertinent to the objectives or purpose of the group, I will intervene. As for my opinion, while I may have one it will not be stated. Only factual information will be given and that is based on your program offerings.
I consider myself to be the keeper/guardian of the process and protector of each member. I maintain the integrity of the group and know how to stay focused on the purpose of the meeting and keep the group on track. I also know how to insure that each member is given fair and equal opportunity to participate.
I am tolerant of ideas and cultures that are different from my own. I respect and honor the uniqueness of each individual.
I have a sense of playfulness and fun that often is seen when tensions rise in a group and I am able to break the tension with a pun or self-effacing statement. I will be the first to laugh at myself and this is often appreciated by group members who consider themselves to be “non-conformists”.
I am mindful and present. I will be present with the group and help them achieve presence/mindfulness and that can unlock many dilemmas. I do model this by staying calm, through active listening, and paying attention to their body language.
I bring structure with flexibility. Structures such as a clear agenda, time limits, or raising hands before speaking, can create safety, focus, and a space for the group’s energy to pour into. If the structure isn't working for the group, I am open to changing it.
I will challenge members with questions, and encourage members to ask better questions because this provokes learning and new thinking, which results in better learning.
Interested? Let's talk – 30-minute call to determine if we can work together