Tired of wasting time on emails that don't convert?

Learn How to Make More Money from

Every Email You Send

Sign Up for This 5 Day Course:

High Converting Email Writing Masterclass

Starting: Monday, September 21, 2020

Ending: Friday, September 25, 2020

Email marketing has been a tool used for business since the early days of the internet. 

While most business owners know and use email marketing, many fail to do it right, thus causing low returns on their invested time and money.

Creating effective and impactful copy for your emails is essential for making sales. 

It may seem intimidating at first, but it's really quite simple to do.

This 5 Day Course will show you exactly what you need to do to create emails that convert subscribers into paying customers. 


email writing masterclass
charlene burke

Hi there!

I'm Charlene Burke. 

I've been writing email sequences for customers for quite a while – and those customers keep coming back for more! 


They say it's because the emails I write … 

convert their subscribers into customers. 

Industries I've Written For:

Tech Start-Ups, Business Services, Enterprise Clients, Business Coaches, Life Coaches, Wellness Coaches, Affiliate Marketers, 

What Did They Sell?

Online Courses, Credit Repair Services, Health & Fitness Products, Shopping Carts, Storage Sheds, Online Marketing Services, and more!

Once registered, you'll join a Facebook Group. 

Where you will find the guides, worksheets, and checklists for each module. 

Charlene will be Live in the group, answering questions, offering recommendations.


Every paid participant is given multiple opportunities to join Charlene for a 1:1 on a recorded Zoom call to answer questions, review current email content and make recommendations.

Join me as I walk you through the 4 Modules of this course:

Module 1: How to Write Effective and Impactful Emails That Bring in Money

In this module, I’ll show you where to begin with the basics of creating high converting emails. I’ll give you the details on what you need to write and how to set your email goals. Then I’ll move on to the why and when to use certain types of email.

The persuasion strategies section helps you get comfortable with selling in your emails. The email copy and copy fundamentals sections are powerful for creating copy that converts. Finally, I’ll look at the different methods you can use when creating your copy.

email writing masterclass module 2

Module 2: Anatomy of a High Converting Email

In this module I’m going to break down the basic elements of a high converting email.

You’ll discover how to create convincing subject lines, how to get personal without being too personal and how your signature and P.S. can convert readers.

I’ll also be sharing some examples and subject lines to inspire your own campaign.

email writing masterclass module 3

Module 3: Email Engagement Hacks How to Turn Anything Into Email Copy

In this module there are ideas for ways to come up with content when you draw a blank.

We’ll take a page out of your daily life and show you how to use it for email copy.

We’ll talk about curated content and repurposing your other content.

We’ll look at some ideas for topics for email copy you can use.

You’ll be given some other reasons to send out an email and how to get more engagement and responses.

Module 4: The 4 Pillars of Email Marketing

The 4 pillars of email marketing begins with the initial lead generation when they first subscribe.

 Then it moves to nurturing those leads by keeping them engaged with the goal of turning them into customers.

Next you need to re-engage those who have gone stale or have stopped responding.

Finally, after they’ve move to becoming customers you want to find ways to get them more engaged and buying more.

This module takes you through each of these four pillars, giving you the strategies and tips to build your email marketing plan for high converting emails.

Our focus during the 5 days in the group will be: 

Creating a Welcome Series that Sells!

The first 7 emails are crucial to 

set the tone, the expectation of your subscriber

and to begin selling right away!


email writing masterclass