The Ultimate Black Friday Cheatsheet!
Dear Friend,
Charlene Burke here. Experienced product creator and copywriter.
I've written email copy for Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales for a LOT of people:
They all had successful Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales…
many exceeded their goals and made more sales and added more buyers to their lists than they thought possible!
Want to know what they all had in common?
Want to know why they had such success?
They had the answers to these questions:
Ultimate Black Friday Cheat Sheet
Your Complete Guide to
A Winning Black Friday Promotion
is just what you need to insure that
your marketing gets you more sales!
You don't have to wonder what works – I did all the work for you!
This cheat sheet gives you links to awesome websites
where you can see who is doing what to get sales…
and what YOU can do this year to get more sales.
Just look at what you get!
All you need – in your hands now –
so your marketing WORKS
to get you more SALES on Black Friday!
You could spend hours looking for this yourself –
or you can take advantage of the work I've done for you
to put it all in one easy to use PDF…
Get your copy now and
make your Black Friday the Best Ever!
How much?
That's all.
And, it's all yours …
Get your copy now.